Panda's Page

Hi there, I'm Panda!

I'm a programmer and general creative person, working on projects in my free time and hoping to show off my work to anyone who will see. Take a look around the site and read some articles if you'd like!

(This website is anti-AI. No AI was, or ever will be involved in the making of any of it's pieces. Long live human imagination!)

Bigger Projects

  • PantsuPanda is a YouTube channel focused on teaching fundamental concepts to fighting game beginners. It is highly informed by my own struggles learning fighting games, and assumes that the viewer is a complete "level zero" beginner most of the time. I am highly proud of this body of work. <3

  • Nice Walk is a short "walking simulator" type horror game built in Godot, aimed at communicating some feelings I was having after moving back to my hometown after being away for several years. It has a lot to do with transgender emotions. Check it out!